Thursday, July 2

The Not-So-Secret Origins of Not Being a Guy

It began in a test-tube.

The doctor bent low to examine the subject, his pale skin and dark hair reflecting in the opaque glass of the tube in a grotesque fashion. He sucked his lips under his teeth as he grasped the top of the tube. A flash of victory crossed his pinched features as he turned towards the couple before him, the vial held triumphantly in his fingers.

"A girl, as promised," he told them, an expectant look greeting their smiles.

The male reached into the back pocket of his white painter's shorts, unveiling a large amount of cash neatly folded in half. He rapidly peeled away thirty crisp hundred dollar bills. As he slid the remaining money back into his pocket he held out the three-thousand for the doctor.

Salivating, the doctor reached too quickly, the test-tube girl slipping from his fingers and plummeting to the white sterilized floor. The doctor cringed at the hardened looks the couple was offering, his mouth growing dry as the man retracted his money.

"Not to worry," the doctor began quickly, "all those still in the tubes are girls."

The woman smiled and nudged her husband to hand the money once again, a question dancing in her eyes.

The doctor smirked thinly as he scooped up the remaining cells on the floor into a sterilized bottle for cough syrup. "Only the broken ones become boys," he explained.


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