Thursday, July 2

Adrift in a Sea of Confusion

Samm and Joel certainly aren't going to be English Majors (sarcasm? yes)

I'll save my origin tale (kind of like of Oregon Trail, but slightly, only slightly, different) for later.

At the moment, I'd like to ramble.

Commercials irritate me, no matter how well they are written.
I think it's funny that they only translate obvious things into Spanish (Cuidado!).
I find it weird to contemplate death, especially in life threatening situations (like when striding across a recently mopped floor).
If there are safe houses, does that imply that we are living in danger homes?
Finds it creepy that you are always within 6 feet of a spider.
Hopes you find that as alarming as I do (Arachnophobes unite!)
Needs to think less and do more (no matter what people tell me).
loves iPhones.
is searching for a flash of inspiration, until then I will continue rambling.
I've got nothing.
Nope, still nothing.

I miss the 90s...

Anyway, I miss the lesbian. I've only seen her once this summer. I've seen the gays plenty, especially next week for JCamp. I can't wait for the No Doubt/Paramore Concert.

Hmmm... Maybe I should have written creatively. Oh well, next time :)

Hopefully you've been reading my blog ;)

SHAMELESS PLUG OF THE WEEK: read above sentence, again.

Funny things from France:
God is a brand of sextoys
Condom Machines are located at every bus stop
A kid walked up with a backpack and unpacked a 5ft bong; he proceeded to use it
They take suck it to the next level, they constantly make fist-fucking references
Large penises are a frequent subject of conversation

Well, hopefully that titillated your...

Until Next Time,
Kissinger's Lovechild

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